I have always been fond of the Dell website because it allows me to do a very detailed search, which allows me to optimize my research time for customers. You are familiar with the saying, “Time is money”. In order to be more efficient, I would like to share a small feature of this website.
Being a French speaker, I prefer my computer keyboard to have the visual cues of French punctuation. The websites of manufacturers such as Dell unfortunately do not have this filtering option. Instead, I have to make sure I navigate to the French-Canadian website. This way, I make sure that my keyboard is the right one. Of course, this detail takes away some of my choice, as Dell does not offer its entire line with a French-Canadian keyboard. It’s a shame, but this is a widespread reality in the industry both in laptops and in external keyboards manufacturers.
It is important not to confuse the visual cues of the keyboard layout with the ability to write in French. A Canadian English or American (U.S.) keyboard can just as easily be configured to write in French in the Windows settings. However, you will need to know the important punctuation by heart. Bilingual or French-Canadian keyboards usually have the two most commonly used punctuation marks in both languages, making it a winning layout for everyone!